Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What do people say when they see your quilts?

Last night I presented an applique trunk show, "It Doesn't Have to Be the 'A' Word" at Pieceful Heart Fabrics in Lisle, IL. The room was full, and the ladies enjoyed the quilts. I am still amazed when I look at that stack of finished quilts and realize just how much applique I've done in recent years. One of the things we laughed about was people's responses when they see our quilts.

What is the most common response when people see your quilts? Here are a few funny things I've heard over the years:

"Oh my gosh! How long did it take you do to that?" - as in, "did they hold a gun to your head to force you to do that?" - my response: "Actually, I really enjoy doing this, so it doesn't matter how long it takes to do one, because when it's finished, I'll be working on another one."

"Couldn't you do that on the sewing machine?" - well, yes, I could. But it wouldn't be the same. Remember, I LIKE doing this!

And my all-time favorite: I was sitting on an airplane one day, stitching. The flight attendant came down the aisle, looked over my shoulder at the applique project in my lap and said, "My, that's tedious." LOLOL I wonder if she had any idea what I think of serving beverages to grumpy passengers and giving that safety lecture over and over and over.....

I'm on vacation this week, so I hope to get lots of stitching done. I am currently working on "Aunt Millie's Garden" from Piece O' Cake Designs. It's fun and challenging, and I'm excited about how it's coming along. I'll be teaching a class on it at Pieceful Heart Fabrics in Lisle, IL, beginning in January. If you're interested, give the shop a call, at 630-718-0112.

Happy stitching!


  1. I wish I could attent your class, a bit to far away. I love doing applique, I find it very relaxing.

  2. Hi CJ...I have gotten the "tedious" comment from people that have no idea how much fun it is to do handwork. Also have had people ask "how long does something like that take you?" I always reply, "I don't know but it keeps me off the streets."

  3. CJ I'm also working in my AMG. I'm sure you will finish yours a lot faster than myself. lol, if only I'd stay at it, I can't wait to see yours!
